Speech-Language Pathologist since 1971

International Work

In 2017 Rotary International sent me to Oradea, Romania for a second time (see below) as the head of a four-person team on a two-week mission to work at a clinic (Pyramid Learning Center) with children on the autism spectrum. We were involved with assessing and planning treatment for the children. We also presented an all-day seminar on autism for working therapists and special education teachers from the Transylvania region, as well as presenting two lectures at the University of Oradea to graduate students in psychology and special education.

In 2014 Rotary International sent me to Oradea, Romania for three weeks where I worked at a clinic (Pyramid Learning Center) for children on the autism spectrum and taught the clinic therapists about the cognitive and speech and language delays and disorders of the children. I also presented four all-day seminars to therapists from the Transylvania region of Romania on the topics of "Training Cognition and Language for Children on the Autism Spectrum Disorders," "Evaluation and Treatment of Auditory Processing Disorders and Attention Deficit Disorders," "Traumatic Brain Injury in Children," and "Counseling Skills for Therapists and Teachers"). I presented the same four seminars at the University of Oradea to graduate students and faculty in psychology and special education.

I have been the speech pathologist on three Rotaplast (Rotary) International Cleft Palate Team 2-week missions: 2008 - Cumena, Venezuela, 2010 - Sohag, Egypt, and 2011 - Nagamangala, India. 

In 2006, while on a sabbatical from my university to write the Foundations of Communication Sciences and Disorders text, I was a guest lecturer at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia and Canterbury University, Christ Church, New Zealand where I presented "Counseling Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists."  I also presented two half-day seminars at the New Zealand Speech Therapy Association Convention, one on "Forensic Speech-Language Pathology: Court Testifying as an Expert Witness" and the second on "Counseling Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists: Taking Care of Ourselves.”  

In 2004 I was brought to Singapore twice, once to present "Assessment and Treatment of Auditory Processing Disorders and Attention Deficit Disorders" at a conference for parents of children who have these disorders.  I was brought back to Singapore a few months later to present two all-day workshops to the Singapore Speech and Hearing Association on "Evaluation and Treatment of Auditory Processing Disorders and Attention Deficit Disorders: A Cognitive-Linguistic Approach," and "Counseling Skills for Rehabilitation Professionals."

In 2001 I presented two papers ("Forensic Speech-Language Pathology: Court Testifying as an Expert Witness" and "Concepts from Marriage-Family-Child Counseling Helpful to Speech-Language Pathologists") in Montreal, Canada at the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics 25th Congress.