Speech-Language Pathologist since 1971


Welcome, and thank you for visiting my website. I have been a Speech-Language Pathologist since 1971 and have had extensive experience in a variety of areas, including neurological disorders in adults and children (strokes, traumatic brain injuries, etc.), stuttering, voice disorders, and cleft palate.
The links you can click on will give you more information on areas that may be of particular interest to you.

What I do.

I am a retired university professor who was honored with the designation of Professor Emeritus.  Although I retired from teaching full-time, I have not retired from my profession. I continue to author textbooks and therapy materials, present seminars and workshops nationally and internationally, and maintain a solo private practice. I work with a variety of kinds and ages of clients and have worked extensively in acute, subacute, and convalescent hospitals. I have been an active therapist throughout my career. I also have worked as an expert witness in numerous medical-legal cases.


The all-day seminars and workshops I have presented in cities throughout the U.S. and in several other countries (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Egypt, Romania) have been highly rated with nearly 100% of participants saying they would like to take more seminars/workshops with me.